Friday, January 8, 2010


1. Who amongst the following termed
community and association as
gemeinschaft and gesellschaft?
a. F. Tonnies
b. F. Durkheim
c. H. Spencer
d. M. Ginsberg
2. Consider the following statements: An
association differs for the formal groups in
1. Goals because of limited involvement.
2. Predominance of impersonal relations..
3. Predominance of personal relations.
4. Greater involvement of its member.
Which of the statements given above are
a. l and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 1, 2 and 4
3. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes given
below the lists:
List I
(Characteristics Features)
A. Ad hoc way of dealing with crisis
B. Established procedures
C. Common goal-oriented fellow
D. Task-oriented rational-legal
List II
1. Association
2. Community
3. Institution
4. Mobilization
5. Organization
a. A1, B3, C2, D5
b. A4, B5, C1, D3
c. A1, B5, C2, D3
d. A4, B3, C1, D5
4. The spread of culture traits from group to
group is termed as:
a. diffusion
b. assimilation
c. acculturation
d. cultural integration
5. Which of the following statements serve as
instances of ethnocentric thinking?
1. The Hindus think that Shankarachary
is the Jagad guru.
2. L. H. Morgan thinks that contemporary
western European society alone has
reached the state of civilization.
3. The egalitarian think that all are equal
in the eye of god.
4. The traditionalist thinks himself alone
to be right person.
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1, 2 and 3
d. 1, 3 and 4
6. Role conflict does not arise when a person
is given a role:
a. which one does not like
b. which is not conductive to one’s
c. when each one works under a wellplanned
d. when everybody is free to perform the
role of one’s choice
7. Which one of the following statements is
correct? Commonality is important in a
social group because:
a. it is related to the purpose or goals of
the group
b. it provides the basis for interaction
within the group
c. it generates norms that promote
behaviour that are consistent with its
cultural traits
d. of all the above three reasons
8. Which one of the following is not the
characteristic of a primary group?
a. Intimacy
b. Face to face association
c. Impersonal relationship
d. Physical proximity
9. Which one of the following is most
forceful argument in respect of sex role
a. Biology determines sex role
b. Culture provide seal on sex role
c. Both biology and culture determine sex
role differentiation
d. Neither biology nor culture determines
sex role differentiation
10. Which of the following statements are
correctly associated with Talcott Parsons,
concept of social system?
1. Social system means action system.
2. Social system is a sub-system of action
3. Social system is made up of actin
4. Social system is the system of
interactive relationships of two or more
individual actions.
Select the correct answer? using the codes
given below:
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 4
11. Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 4
12. Status over which the individual has
absolutely choice is known as:
a. ascribed status
b. master status
c. achieved status
d. key status
13. Incompatible expectations lead to:
a. role squeeze
b. double role
c. role conflict
d. role mix
14. Consider the following
1. Movement of traits through space and
2. Diffusion of traits can be traced
3. Diffusion can be direct or indirect
Which of the above are the features of
a. 1 and 3
b. 2 and 3
c. 1, 2 and 3
d. 1 and 2
15. Which among the following is not a
functional pre-requisite of a society?
a. Provision for adequate physiological
functioning for members
b. Replacement of members
c. Provision of disruptive forces
d. A system of distribution

16. Which one of the following statements is
correct in respect of a society a group?
a. Society is better organized than a
b. A group is better organized than
c. Both group and society are equally
d. Both group and society are
17. Who held the view that group size,
homogeneity and physical segregation
affect the group behaviour?
a. Peter M. Blau
b. G.C. Homans
c. Kingsley Davis
d. Orbert K. Merton
18. Which one of the following justifies nation
as a group?
a. Transitory interests and temporary
b. Most inclusive range of interests and
possession of a definite territory
c. Like-attitude of group members and
indefinite social organization
d. Limited range of interests and definite
social organization
19. The human groups that entertain a subject
belief in their common descent is called
ethinic group by:
a. Karl Marx
b. Talcott Parsons
c. V.Pareto
d. R.K. Merton
20. Who has propounded the relationship
between social solidarity and types of law?
a. E. Durkheim
b. M. Weber
c. V. Pareto
d. R. K. Merton
21. Speaking of the rules of behaviour in a
society. there are some rules which evolve
by unconscious growth,’ whereas there are
other ones which are the byproducts of
deliberate creation, which one of the
following is a product of deliberation?
a. Mores
b. Customs
c. Law
d. Folkways
22. According to Robert Redfield, which one
of the following is not true of the folk
a. They are small
b. They are isolated
c. They are heterogeneous
d. They are orthodox
23. Which one is the correct sequence of the
given socio-cultural processes?
a. Cultural contact/ assimilation
/accommodation /conflict
b. Accommodation/assimilation/cultural
c. Cultural contact/conflict/
accommodation / assimilation
d. Accommodation/conflict/cultural
contact/ assimilation
24. Which one of the following best defines
the term ‘Kinship’?
a. The grouping of relatives
b. The socially recognised relationship
c. A recognition of culturally conditioned
d. The social recognition and expression
of genealogical relationship
25. Which one of the following statements is
correct? Cultural relativism
a. is a recognition that each cultural is
judged in terms of its own standards
b. is an argument that different parts of
culture are inter-related
c. means that any culture can be
evaluated in absolute terms
d. means that different cultures are
related to each other in terms of some
universal elements.
26. Which one of the following pairs is
correctly matched?
a. Paisacha: form of marriage
b. Sororate : subcaste
c. Primary group : levirate
d. Polyandry: religious custom
27. Psycho-analytical theory about social
behaviour makes us believes that deviant
behaviour is due to:
a. inequality in physical strength
b. varying degree of socialization
c. conflict in human personality
d. consider the following statements
28. Consider the following statements:
Marriage is an important social institution
1. It is a sacred and permanent bond
between husband and wife.
2. It aims at procreation and maintenance
of children.
3. It is conductive to sex discipline and
social harmony.
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 1 and 2
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 3
29. Consider the following statements:
1. Auguste Comte theorised that society
progresses from theological to positive
2. According to Hobhouse, there are five
stages of social thought from articulate
thought in primitive societies to
modern scientific thought in modern
3. Marx propounded a theory of natural
progress of societies from primitive
communism to socialism.
4. Toynbee talked of progress of
Which of the statements given above are
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 1, 3 and 4
c. 1, 2 and 4
d. 2, 3 and 4
30. Consider the following:
1. Common property
2. Common ancestors
3. Common residence
4. Flexible authority
Which of the above are included in the
major features of a joint family?
a. 1 and 4
b. 2, 3 and 4
c. 1,3 and 4
d. 1, 2 and 3
31. Consider the following:
1. Marital
2. Parental
3. Consanguineal
4. Ritualistic
Which of the above are socially defined
specific relationships in the family?
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1,3 and 4
d. 1,2 and 3
32. Henry Maine maintained the view that
originally families were:
a. patriarchal and patrilineal
b. matriarchal and matrilineal
c. group oriented and bilineal
d. exogamous and unilineal
33. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes given
below the list:
A. The practice of tracing descent
thorough the female lines
B. The practice of tracing descent through
both male and female lines
C. The form of family authority structure
in which the male spouse takes
D. The form of family authority structure
in which power and decision making
are shared
1. Female dominance
2. Male dominance
3. Matriliny
4. Bilaterally
5. Egalitarian
a. A5, B4, C2, D3
b. A3, B2, C1, D5
c. A5, B2, C1, D3
d. A3, B4, C2, D5
34. The system under which mother’s brother
prominent place in kinship usage is known
a. couvade
b. amitate
c. avuncular
d. teknonymy
35. The descendants of a common male
ancestor are called:
a. agnates
b. lineal kin
c. cognates
d. collateral kin
36. The residence rule that gives choice to the
newlyweds to live with the parents of
either the groom or the bride is known as:
a. avanculobal
b. neolocal
c. biolocal
d. patrilocal
37. Who has introduced the word ‘hierarchy’
in the context of caste stratification and
assumed Indian society to be hierarchical?
a. L. Dumont
b. M. N. Srinivas
c. S. C. Dubey
d. F. Bailey
38. Life chances are facts. They describe the
actual material benefits and opportunities
of a group, whether or not the members of
the group recognised these facts. What
kind of inequality does difference in life
chances imply?
a. Objective inequalities
b. Subjective inequalities
c. Difference in life style
d. Difference in consumption patterns
39. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes given
below the lists:
List I
A. Leisure class
B. Organic solidarity
C. Post-modernization
D. post-industrialization
List II
1. E. Durkheim
2. T. Veblen
3. D. Bell
4. P. Sorokin
5. Jameson
a. A3, B5, C4, D2
b. A2, B1, C5, D3
c. A3, B1, C5, D2
d. A2, B5, C4, D3
40. Marriott has discussed the process of
transformation of a god from the scriptural
roster by people of a particular locality
into a pragmatic and local spirt under
which of the following terms?
a. Universalisation and parochialisation
b. Generalization and universalization
c. Parochialisation and particularism
d. Particularism and pluralism
41. The broad meaning of sanskritization is:
a. Horizontal mobility
b. Cultural upward mobility
c. Structural mobility
d. Parochialisation
42. Who among the following said,
“Stratification system derives from
common values”?
a. Kingsley Davis
b. Talcott Parsons
c. Melvin M. Tumin
d. Michael Young
43. Max Weber’s approach to the study of
social stratification is:
a. one dimensional
b. two dimensional
c. three dimensional
d. four dimensional
44. ‘Celebrity status’ is a high status that
accrues from:
a. high family background
b. high income
c. high achievement
d. high occupational background
45. Social stratum refers to a number of
individuals having a relatively similar:
a. status, role or other culturally relevant
set of characteristics.
b. role, position or other economically
relevant set of characteristics
c. position, status or other politically
relevant set of characteristics
d. status, rank or other Socially relevant set of characteristics

46. Social stratification, arising either from the
actual functions performed by the persons
involved or from the superior power and
control of resources possessed by certain
individuals , organizations or both, refers
a. inequality
b. improper distribution
c. discrimination
d. exploitation
47. In this book ‘Social Changes In Modern
India’, M. N. Srinivas has presented the
view that:
a. caste is absolutely closed
b. caste is absolutely open
c. there is scope for mobility in caste
d. caste is just like class

48. An economic class:
a. is based on styles of life, occupations
and social activities
b. involves a particular ethnic or family
background and other significant
c. comprises persons having a similar
level and sources of income, type
occupation and share of societal wealth
d. consists of persons having similar
levels of prestige symbols in a society
49. The objectively structured economic
inequalites in society are explained by
Marx in terms of:
a. status
b. estate
c. class
d. caste
50. The jajmani system is:
a. a mode of reciprocal service and caste
interdependence, widespread in
traditional village India.
b. a mode of exclusive service and caste
interdependence, widespread in India
c. a mode of mutual service and case
interdependence, widespread in village
d. a mode of reciprocal service and caste
interdependence, widespread in
modem India
51. Which one of the following classification
was used by E. Durkheim in his study of
a. Holy and unholy
b. Ritualistic and radical
c. Supernatural and secular
d. Sacred and profane
52. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes given
below the lists:
A. Kshatriya model
B. Merchants, peasants
C. De-sanskritization
D. Tribalisation
List II
1. S. L. Kalia
2. D.N. Majumdar
3. Milton Singer
4. D. F. Pocock
a. A4, B1, C2, D3
b. A2, B3, C4, D1
c. A4, B3, C2, D1
d. A2, B1, C4, D3
53. Who among the following has
differentiated between “book view” and
“field view”?
a. A. R. Desa
b. G. S. Ghuriya
c. M. N. Srinivas
d. I. P. Desai
54. Ad hoc arrangements based on caste,
kinship and neighbourhood which are
more important for political activities, but
may no longer be activised after election-
Adrian C. Mayer calls these
a. action-groups
b. interest-groups
c. actions-sets
d. interest-sets
55. Which among the following are two main
features of caste system as identified by
Max Weber?
1. commensality
2. Hierarchy
3. Purity
4. Connubium
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 4
d. 2 and 4
56. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes given
below the lists:
A. Mind and Society
B. The Ruling Class
C. Elites and Society
D. Totem and Taboo
1. V. Pareto
2. G. Mosca
3. T. B. Bottomore
4. S. Freud
a. A1, B2, C3, D4
b. A4, B3, C2, D1
c. A1, B3, C2, D4
d. A4, B2, C3, D1
57. A society marked by secondary rather than
primary group interaction, anomie and
generally characterized by homogeneity
with respect to life styles, is called as:
a. folk society
b. peasant society
c. urban society
d. mass society
58. Which Article of the Constitution of India
states that the state must provide for just
and humane conditions of work and
maternity relief?
a. Article 39
b. Article 42
c. Article 23
d. Article 15
59. Industrial sociology as a distinct discipline
is connected with the research in:
a. scientific management school
b. bureaucracy
c. professionalization
d. human relationship approach
60. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes given
below the lists:
A. Manufacture of goods
B. Trade union
C. Global competition
D. Mass production
(Complex Economy)
1. Labour leader
2. Factory
3. State intervention
4. Free economy
5. Consumerism
a. A5, B4, C3, D2
b. A2, B4, C3, D5
c. A5, B1, C4, D2
d. A2, B1, C4, D5

61. Consider the following:
1. A classless democratic society
2. A technically specialized and service
sector dominated society
3. A society with contractual relationship
Which of the above attribute(s)
characterize(s) a complex society?
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. 2 only
62. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes given
below the lists:
A. Dominance of traditions
B. Specialization and technical skill
C. Dominance of competition
D. Control by state
1. Complex economy
2. Agrarian economy
3. Planned economy
4. Market (free) economy
5. Political economy
a. A4, B1, C2, D3
b. A2, B3, C4, D5
c. A4, B3, C2, D5
d. A2, B1, C4, D3
63. According to Max Weber, which noneconomic
factor influences behaviours:
a. family relations
b. politics
c. religion
d. culture
64. Consider the following:
1. Market capitalism
2. Multinational consumer capitalism
3. Imperial capitalism
4. Globalizing capitalism
Select the correct sequential order of the
above in regard to emergence of market
(free) economy:
a. 4, 3, 2, 1
b. 1, 2, 3, 4
c. 4, 2, 3, 1
d. 1, 3, 2, 4
65. Consider the following statements:
Cities grow wherever
1. there is a surplus of resources
2. a society or a group within gains
control over resources which are
greater than those necessary for the
mere sustenance of life
3. there is enough manpower
Which of the statements given above is/are
a. 2 only
b. 1 and 2
c. 1 and 3
d. 1, 2 and 3
66. The migration of people from rural to
urban areas according to Philip M. Hauser
is known as:
a. population implosion
b. population displosion
c. population technoplosion
d. population periplosion
67. Which one of the following pairs with
regard to cities in not correctly matched?
a. Non-agrarian activities : Trade and
b. Voluntary associations :Interest groups
c. Superficiality : Urban glamour
d. Social mobility : Static population
68. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes given
below the lists:
A. Henri Pirenne
B. B. F. Hoseltiz
C. Robert Redfield and Milton Singer
D. Philip M. Hause
(Classifications of cities)
1. Pre-industrial and metropolitan
2. Orthogenetic and heterogenetic
3. Generative and parasitic cities
4. Political intellectual and economic
a. A1, B3, C2, D4
b. A4, B2, C3, D1
c. A1, B2, C3, D4
d. A4, B3, C2 D1
69. Consider the following statements:
The specialized division of labour that
industrial society is based on:
1. hierarchical principle of authority
2. hierarchical principle of inequality
3. hierarchical principle of control
4. principle of equality
Which of the statements given above are
a. 1 and 4
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. 1 and 2
70. Which of the following has pointed out
that there is no clear-cut demarcation to
tell where the city ends and country
a. R. M. Maclver
b. J. Madge
c. E. Mayo
d. W. McDougall
71. Consider the following:
1. size
2. density
3. solidarity
4. culture
5. social density
6. regulation
According to Durkheim, which of the
above determine the degree of division of
labour in the society?
a. 1, 3 and 5
b. 2, 4 and 6
c. 1, 2 and 5
d. 2, 3 and 6
72. Machine model, goal model, equilibrium
model and professional model are the
approaches used in the analysis of
a. institutions
b. organizations
c. associations
d. social facts
73. What is “A society of rationally
coordinated unequal in pursuit of largescale
a. Bureaucracy
b. Oligarchy
c. Aristocracy
d. Monarchy
74. The study of spatial distribution of social
groups, the physical complexion and
patterns of growth of an urban community
is known as:
a. urban geography
b. urban morphology
c. urban ecology
d. urban topology
75. Demography falls within the realm of
sociology because:
a. population as independent variable can
explain the social structure of the
b. population as a factor can explain the
process of economic development
c. it can help in the understanding of
political process operating in the
d. of all the above three factors

76. The major concern of social demography
is the:
a. contemporary problem of the relation
of population trends to social and
economic development
b. relationship between aggregate
demographic nomena and regularities
in other social and individual units of
human behaviour
c. analysis of how general, social and
cultural factors
d. study of size, composition and
distribution of population at the present
77. Dc-facto census method is related to:
a. counting of the population on the basis
of its permanent residential status
b. counting of the population according to
where it is for a fortnight preceding the
c. counting of the populating according to
where it is on the night the census
d. none of the above
78. If both fertility and mortality decline, then:
a. proportion of dependent children will
b. proportion of active population will
c. proportion of dependent aged will
d. proportion of dependent aged will
79. Which of the following combination of
birth, deaths and migration does not result
in zero population growth?
a. 400 births, 200 deaths and 200 net out
b. 0 net out-migration, 400 births and 400
c. 200 birth, 400 deaths and 200 net inmigration
d. 100 birth, 150 deaths, 25 out-migration
and 175 in-migration
80. Largest component of internal migration in
India is:
a. rural urban migration
b. urban rural migration
c. marriage migration
d. rural migration
81. Who has said that “Democracy is
concerned with the behaviour or the
aggregate and not with the behaviour of
a. Donald J. Bogue
b. Peter R. Cox
c. H. Strenford
d. W. G. Barclay
82. Who postulated that fertility increases in
response to the progress of society?
a. Herbert Spencer
b. Corrado Gini
c. E. M. Hoover
d. C. P. Blacker
83. Human population can:
a. exist apart from cultural interaction
b. exist a part from social interaction
c. exist a part from social-cultural
d. not exist apart from social-cultural
84. When over a period of time, the death rate
in society reduces due to overall
developments of life style and at the same
time the birth rate does not fall down;
population increases very fast as a result of
it. This leads to over-population. This
theory is known as:
a. demographic theory
b. population explosion theory
c. theory of demographic transition
d. demographic explosion theory
85. Low birth rate and pregnancy wastage in
the population are primarily due to:
a. traditional practices
b. maternal malnutrition
c. female illiteracy
d. insufficient health care
86. Who gave the concept of social
a. A. Bose
b. L. Wirth
c. L. Dumont
d. R. K. Mukherjee
87. The term ‘political socialization’ was used
a. Herbert Hayman
b. Herbert Spencer
c. Almond Powell
d. Easton and Dannis
88. Consider the following statements:
Authoritarian individuals:
1. are dynamic and flexible
2. have weakly structured ego
3. possess rigid character
4. think in stereotypes
Which of the statements given above are
a. 1 and 4
b. 1 and 2
c. 1, 2 and 3
d. 2, 3 and 4
89. Which of the following need not be
elements of political socialization?
1. Inducing mutual trust and cooperation
at the place of work.
2. Making citizens out of individuals.
3. Promoting intense interpersonal
interacting among colleagues.
4. Providing distinct identity to territorial
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1 and 3
b. 2 and 4
c. 1, 2 and 3
d. 2, 3 and 4
90. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes given
below the lists:
A. State as a natural institution
B. State as a social institution
C. State as aninstrument of dominant
D. Sovereignity as the supreme power of
the State
1. Organic theory
2. Mechanistic theory
3. Marxist theory
4. Legal theory
a. A1, B4, C3, D2
b. A3, B2, C1, D4
c. A3, B1, C2, D4
d. A3, B4, C1, D2
91. A pressure group is generally referred to
a. Ethnic group
b. Informal group
c. Special interest group
d. Caste group
92. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes below
the lists:
A. Caste in Modern India
B. Caste, Class and power
C. Homo Hierarchicus
D. Caste in Indian Politics
1. A. Beteille
2. L. Dumont
3. R. Kothari
4. M. N. Srinivas
5. John Dewey
a. A4, B1, C2, D3
b. A3, B1, C2, D4
c. A4, B2, C5, D3
d. A3, B2, C5, D4
93. A federation of social service agencies for
tribal welfare working in different parts of
the country, called Bhartiaya Adimjati
Sevak Sangh, was formed in 1948 under
the presidentship of:
a. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
b. Jawaharlal Nehru
c. Jayprakash Narayan
d. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
94. Andre Beteille has pointed out that castle
restrictions regarding marriage in India
after independence:
a. have increased
b. have decreased
c. are confined to high caste Hindus
d. are limited to low caste Hindus
95. The main provision of the Sixth Schedule
of the Constitution of India deals with:
a. reservation in the government jobs
b. preservation of tribal lands
c. autonomy in administration in the
tribal areas of North-east India
d. reservation in educational institutions
96. According to Durkheim, which one of the
following is the principle source of
cohesion and solidarity in modem society?
a. Repressive laws
b. Division of labour
c. Greater intensity of class conflict
d. Expansion of education
97. Which one of the following is the correct
sequence in Comte’s theory of change?
a. Theological—Positive--Metaphysical
b. Theological—Metaphysical—Positive
c. Metaphysical—Theological--Positive
d. Positive—Metaphysical—Theological
98. The evolutionary theory of social change
is based on notion of gradual
transformation of society in which of the
1. Vertical direction
2. Unilinear direction
3. Multilinear direction
4. Curvilinear direction
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1 and 2
b. 3 and 4
c. 1 and 4
d. 2 and 3
99. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes given
below the lists
A. Adaptive Culture
B. Sensate Culture
C. Survival of the Fittest
D. Classless Society
1. P. A. Sorokin
2. W. F. Ogburn
3. Karl Marx
4. Charles Darwin
5. T. R. Malthus
a. A4, B3, C5, D1
b. A2, B1, C4, D3
c. A4, B1, C5, D3
d. A2, B3, C4, D1
100. Which of the following promote adoption
of improved agricultural practices for
diversification of the cropping pattern?
1. Communication facilities
2. Economic incentives
3. Poverty
4. Traditionalism
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1 and 4
b. 1 and 2
c. 1, 2 and 3
d. 2, 3 and 4
101. Which of the following characteristics are
associated with social movement?
1. Collective enterprise
2. To establish new social order
3. Definite goals
4. Formal action
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1 and 4
b. 1 and 2
c. l, 2 and 3
d. 2, 3 and 4
102. The history of the women’s movement is
usually dated to:
a. the social reform movements of the
nineteenth century
b. the liberal feminist movements of the
twentieth century
c. the radical feminist movements of the
twenty-first century
d. the democratic political movements of
the post-colonial era
103. The functional theory of social change is
based on the basic ideology related to
which of the following?
1. Consensus
2. Integration
3. Dynamics
4. Dialectics
5. Conflict
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1 and 4
b. 1, 2 and 3
c. 2, 4 and 5
d. 2, 3 and 4
104. Which one of the following statements is
a. All societies are groups and all groups
are societies
b. All societies are groups but no group is
a society
c. A society is not a group but some
groups are societies
d. A society is a group but most groups
are to societies
105. Sumner’s model of society is known as
a. development model
b. conflict model
c. progressive model
d. consensus model

106. When the members of each group, judge
all other groups by the standards of their
own group, it is termed as:
a. ethnicity
b. ethnocentrism
c. ethnic group
d. ethnography
107. Aspirations for improvement in castestatus
are common but it is not achieved
unless a caste acquires:
a. ritual purity
b. group acceptance
c. power and privilege
d. official connections
108. Select the correct sequence of the given
four stages through which a social
movement progresses:
a. Popular excitement—Formalisation—
Institutionalization—Social unrest
b. Formalization—Social unrest—
Popular excitement—
c. lnstitutionalization—Formalisation—
Popular excitment—Social unrest
d. Social unrest—Popular excitement—
Formalisation— Institutionalization
109. Consider the following statements:
Social change basically originates from:
1. discovery
2. religion
3. inventions
4. cultural traits
Which of the statements given above are
a. 1 and 2
b. 3 and 4
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 4
110. A development of evolution in a direction
which satisfies rational criterion of value is
also known as:
a. development
b. evolution
c. progress
d. revolution
111. By virtue of the Constitution (Sixty Fifth
Amendment) Act 1990, the “special
officer” post under Article 338 of the
Constitution has been substituted by
a. National Board for Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes
b. National Commission for Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes
c. National Council for Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes
d. National Committee for Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes
112. Assertion (A) It is desirable to distinguish
between the normative pattern and the
social systems to which it applies.
Reason (R) : Particular social system may
not conform to the normative pattern in all
a. Both A and R are individually true and
R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are individually true but
R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false But R is true
113. Assertion (A): The socialized individual
never goes against the values of the
Reason (R): Socialization makes the
individual learn to conform to the norms of
the society.
a. Both A and R are individually true and
R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are individually true but
R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false But R is true
114. Assertion (A): In a rank society’, members
have equal access to economic resources
but unequal access to prestige.
Reason (R) : The value of wealth is the
prestige gained by giving it away rather
than the prestige gained by having it.
a. Both A and R are individually true and
R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are individually true but
R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false But R is true
115. Assertion (A) : Caste is nothing more than
the systematization of occupaticinal
Reason (R) : The hereditary association of
a caste with an occupation is striking.
a. Both A and R are individually true and
R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are individually true but
R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false But R is true
116. Assertion (A) : Cultural conditions
determine the economic behaviour in a
Reason (R): Economic behaviour is
resultant of the political needs of a society.
a. Both A and R are individually true and
R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are individually true but
R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false But R is true
117. Assertion (A) : A capitalist system
econourages market economy.
Reason (R) Capitalist system is a global
a. Both A and R are individually true and
R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are individually true but
R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false But R is true
118. Assertion (A) : Urbanization refers to
relocation of population in society.
Reason (R): Urban people are more mobile
than their rural counterparts.
a. Both A and R are individually true and
R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are individually true but
R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false But R is true
119. Assertion (A) : At the time of the framing
of the Constitution of India, reservation of
jobs for the Scheduled Castes was
intended for a specified period.
Reason (R) : Constitutional provisions in
respect of reservation of jobs for the
Scheduled Castes have ensured economic
upliftment within the period specified.
a. Both A and R are individually true and
R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are individually true but
R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false But R is true
120. Assertion (A): The capitalist class
according to Karl Marx, exploits the
labour class in the capitalist society and
this paves the way for class polarization.
Reason (R) : The proletarian classes in the
capitalist society suffer from the alienation
of labour.
a. Both A and R are individually true and
R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are individually true but
R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false But R is true

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