1. Truth of any cognition lies in its utilitarian
value. This view is known as
a. Emotive theory
b. Coherence theory
c. Pragmatic theory
d. Semantic theory
2. Match List-I with List-II and select the
correct answer using the code given below
the Lists :
A. Anirvacaniyakhyati
B. Satkhyati
C. Atmakhyati
D. Anyathakhati
1. Yogacaras
2. Naiyayikas
3. Vishishtadvaita
4. Advaitins
a. 4 2 1 3
b. 1 3 2 2
c. 4 3 1 2
d. 1 2 4 3
3. Which one of the following statements
correctly illustrate the theory of Akhyati?
a. Error is due to non-apprehension of the
distinction between two cognitions
b. Error is due to misapprehension of any
fact of cognition
c. Error is due to wrong synthesis of two
separate facts
d. Error is primarily due to some defect in
the bodily organ
4. ‘Error consists in not cognizing the
difference between the real and illusory
object’. This view is advocated by
a. Kumarila
b. Prabhakara
c. Sankara
d. Nyaya-Vais’esika
5. Which one of the following holds
anirvacaniyakhyati as a theory of error?
a. Ramanuja-vedanta
b. Sankhya
c. Prabhakara-Mimansa
d. Sankara-vedanta
6. Match List-I with List-II and select the
correct answer using the code given below
the Lists :
A. Monad had consciousness
B. Matter does not have consciousness
C. Mind and matter are attributes of
1. Descartes
2. Spinoza
3. Leibnitz
a. 1 2 3
b. 1 3 2
c. 3 2 1
d. 3 1 2
7. Which one of the following is the
Spinozistic account on the issue of matter
and mind?
a. Mind and matter are two independent
b. Mind and matter are two attributes
(thought and extension) of the
substance which men can conceive as
the essence of the substance.
c. The relation between mind and matter
is pre- established
d. Mattar and mind are two entities out of
which the former is primary and the
latter is derivative
8. For Leibnitz, monad is windowless
a. it is absolutely free from external
b. it is extended
c. it is a composite body
d. it is something material
9. Consider the following statements :
1. The premises and the conclusion of a
valid argument must be true
2. Arguments are either true or false
3. A sound argument must have true
4. If the premises are true, the conclusion
of an argument must be true
Which of these statements is/are correct?
a. 1 and 3
b. only 3
c. 2 and 4
d. 2, 3 and 4
10. Which one of the following statements is
true if A, B and C are true statements and
X, Y and Z are false statements?
a. [A. (B∨ C)]. ~ [(A .B) ∨ (A.C)]
b. [(X∨ Y) . (A ∨ X)]
c. (C∨ Z) . (Y ∨ B)
d. ~ [(~ Y∨ Z) ∨ (~ Z∨ Y)]
11. Given the ‘Either China or Pakistan will
disagree’s is false, which one of the
following not correct?
a. If Pakistan disagrees, then China will
b. If China disagrees, then Pakistan will
c. China will disagree, if and only if,
Pakistan disagrees
d. If Pakistan does not disagree then
China will disagree
12. Which one of the following statements is
not correct?
a. A valid argument with false premises
does not guarantee truth of its
b. A valid argument with a false
conclusion does not guarantee truth of
its premises
c. A valid argument with a true
conclusion must have true premises
d. A valid argument with a true
conclusion must have a true conclusion
13. Identify the following propositions as A,
E, I, O and select the correct answer using
the codes given below the propositions :
1. No happy persons are non-virtuous.
2. All non-virtuous persons are nonhappy
3. A few students study logic.
4. Not all students are students of
a. I A E O
b. E O I A
c. I O E A
d. E A I O
14. Which of the following propositions are
simple propositions?
1. Becoming is synthesis of Being and
2. Indian culture is composite culture
3. Truth is one but wise men have stated
it in different ways
4. The world is created by God yet there
is evil in the world
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 2
d. 1, 3 and 4
15. Match List-I with List-II and select the
correct answer using the code given below
the Lists :
A. A friend in need
is a friend indeed
B. A few great men are
are not kind-hearted
C. Cashew nuts are grown in Goa
D. Never can the rights be separated from
(Venn Diagrams)
3 of 13
a. 3 2 4 1
b. 4 1 3 2
c. 3 1 4 2
d. 4 2 3 1
16. Match List-I with List-II and select the
correct answer using the code given below
the Lists :
A. Jayesh sings well
B. John is a liar
C. The thief will be caught the policemen
are efficient
D. Karim attacked Rahim
1. Class-membership
2. S-P. type
3. Relational
4. Implicative
a. 4 1 2 3
b. 2 3 4 1
c. 4 3 2 1
d. 2 1 4 3
17. Which one of the following is a truthfunctional
compound proposition?
a. It is impossible that there is life on
b. It is possible that there is not any life
on Mars
c. I believe that Krishna is an incarnation
of God.
d. I do not believe that Krishna is an
incarnation of God
18. According to Modern Interpretation of A,
E, I, O propositions, which of the
following statements regarding logical
relations are true?
1. If A is true, I is true
2. If A is true, E is false
3. If I is false, O is true
4. If O is true, I is false
5. If E is true, I is false
6. If O is false, A is true
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1, 3 and 5
b. 2, 4 and 6
c. 1 and 2
d. 5 and 6
19. Match List-I with List-II and select the
correct answer using the code given below
the Lists :
(Statement Form)
A. The statement form which is not true
only when both of its components have
the same truth value
B. The statement form which is false
when one of its components is false
C. The statement form which a
propositional connective
D. The statement form which at least one
true substitution instance and at least
one false substitution instance
1. Conjunctive
2. Compound
3. Biconditional
4. Contingent
a. 2 4 3 1
b. 3 1 2 4
c. 2 1 3 4
d. 3 4 2 1
20. Which one of the following is the correct
Figure and Mood of the argument ‘None
but whites are civilized, the ancient
Germans were whites therefore, they were
a. Ist Figure, Mood AAA
b. Ist Figure, Mood AII
c. 2nd Figure, Mood AAA
d. 2nd Figure, Mood AII
21. Which one of the following sets of rules is
applicable to the 3rd Figure?
a. (i) If the minor is affirmative, the
conclusion is particular (ii) If the major
premise is affirmative, the minor is
b. (i) If any premise is negative, the
major must be universal (ii) The minor
premise must be affirmative
c. (i) The conclusion must be particular
(ii) The minor must be affirmative
d. (i) If the minor is affirmative, the
conclusion is particular (ii) The
major premise must be universal
22. Arrange the following statements in a
valid syllogism:
1. No logical exercises are too easy
2. All too easy exercises are solved
without much concentration
3. No logical exercises are solved without
much concentration.
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
2 2
3 2
23. Which one of the following moods in not
valid in the 2nd figure?
a. AEE
b. AII
c. EAE
d. EAO
24. Match List-I with List-II and select the
correct answer:
(Syllogistic Form)
A. IAI in 3rd Figure
B. EIO in 2nd Figure
C. AAA in Ist Figure
D. AEE in 2nd Figure
(Venn Diagram)
a. 3 2 4 1
b. 4 1 3 2
c. 3 1 4 2
d. 4 2 3 1
25. Which of the following is not true in
respect of Aristotle’s substance?
a. Substance is self-existent
b. It is a particular having universal
c. It is predicate of a subject
d. It is not an attribute
26. Which one of the following pairs in not
correctly matched?
a. Descartes : There are three substances
b. Spinoza :God is the only substance,
Mind and Mattar are his attributes
c. Berkeley: Substances are many and
maintain their independence by acting
against each other
d. Locke : Substance is the unknown
support of known qualities.
27. Consider the following doctrines :
1. To be is to be perceived
2. I think, therefore, I am
3. Categorical Imperative
The correct sequence of these of Modern
Western Philosophy is
a. 2, 1, 3
b. 1, 2, 3
c. 3, 2, 1
d. 2, 3, 1
28. We may characterize Berkeley’s
philosophy as
a. Nominalistic & rationalistic
b. Nominalistic & idealistic
c. Realistic & rationalistic
d. Realistic & nominalistic
29. Materkal substances do not exist as the
support of the primary qualities, but
individual things are collections of ideas in
us, nothing more. This view held by
a. Spinoza
b. Berkeley
c. Locke
d. Leibnitz
30. Buddhists reject the reality of pudgala
a. all things are mental constructions
b. all things are momentary
c. pudgales are not eternal
d. pud
31. Match List-I with List-II and select the
correct answer using the code given below
the Lists :
A. Prakriti Parinamvada
B. Vivartavada
C. Svabhavavada
D. Brahman Parinamvada
(School of Thought)
1. Advaita Vedanta
2. Sankhya system
3. Vishishtadvaita
4. Carvakas
a. 2 1 3 4
b. 4 3 2 1
c. 2 3 4 1
d. 4 1 2 3
32. Who among the following was obsessed
with the intellectual love of God?
a. Shankara
b. Descartes
c. Spinoza
d. St. Augustine
33. Which one of the following arguments for
the existence of God is not accepted by St.
a. The argument from motion
b. The argument from the governance of
the world
c. The argument from the gradation to be
found in things
d. The ontological argument
34. St. Augustine argues that when a will
chooses evil, the cause of the choice is
a. God
b. Satan
c. Lack of Knowledge
d. Nature
35. ‘God I understand to be a being absolutely
infinite, that is, a substance consisting of
infinite attributes, each of which expresses
eternal and infinite essence. ‘This
definition of God is given by
a. Descartes
b. Leibnitz
c. Locke
d. Spinoza
36. Descartes’ one of the arguments to prove
God’s existence is that every effect must
have an adequate cause the argument is
based on the principal of
a. Sufficient reason
b. nihil ex nihilo fit
c. Continuity
d. Modus ponens
37. ‘Consciousness is not an essential
characteristic of the soul.’ Whose view is
a. Carvakas
b. Nyaya-Vais’esika
c. Sankhya-yoga
d. Jainism
38. Which one of the following distinctions
exists in Brahman according to Ramanuja
a. Vijatiya
b. Sajatiya
c. Svagata
d. Bahya
39. Which one of the following is not
acceptable to Ramanuja?
a. Brahman is qualified
b. Brahman is Ishvara
c. Jivas merge in Ishwara and have no
separate identity
d. Jivas is not identical with Bahman
40. The view that universals have no existence
independently of being thought and are
more names, is held by
a. Conceptualists
b. Realists
c. Nominalists
d. Critical realists
41. Which one of the following statements
illustrates Platonic theory of universals?
a. Universals alone are real
b. Universals and particulars are equally
c. Universals are copies of particulars
d. Universals are not real entities but are
only concepts
6 of 13
42. Which one of the following is not
consistent with Aristotle’s conception of
matter and form?
a. Matter and form are inseparable
b. Form is universal, matter is particular
c. Matter and form are absolute terms
d. Matter and form are relative terms
43. According to Berkeley, which of the
following statements are correct?
1. The abstract general ideas are rejected
2. It is not possible to frame an idea of a
triangle which includes all the
characteristics of different types
3. The general ideas, too, have no
function to perform.
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. 1, 2 and 3
44. Consider the following statements
concerning Nyaya- Vais’esika :
1. Universals and particulars are mere
subjective concepts in mind
2. Universals reside in substances,
qualities and actions
3. A universal can subsist in another
4. Both particulars and universals are
separately real
Which of these statements are correct?
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 4
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 3
45. Which one of the following is correct
according to Nyaya?
a. Samanya is unreal
b. Samana is non-eternal
c. Samanya is an objective entity
d. Samanya is a subjective concept
46. Which one of the following is not correct
according to Buddhist philosophy?
a. The universal is a mental construction
b. ‘The universal man’ is a figment of
c. The universal is a mere name
d. The universal is a real entity
47. Pramana in Indian philosophy implies
a. means of knowledge
b. means of valid knowledge
c. means of invalid knowledge
d. the thing to be known
48. The Naiyayikas accepts cognition of nonexistence
as generated by
a. Perception
b. Inference
c. Comparison
d. Verbal testimony
49. Which of the following doctrines
regarding the validity of knowledge is
advocated by the Nyaya-Vais’esika
a. Extrinsic validity of knowledge
b. Intrinsic validity of knowledge
c. The idealistic theory of knowledge
d. The illusory theory of knowledge
50. According to Buddhism, which one of the
following is correct?
a. Valid knowledge is attainable through
interfence, comparison and verbal
b. Valid knowledge is attainable through
inference only
c. Valid knowledge is attainable through
both perception and inference
d. Valid knowledge is attainable through
perception, inference, comparison and
verbal testimony
51. ‘True cognition is the apprenhension of an
object (visaya) which is above doubt
(asamdigdha), free from eroor (aviparita)
and has not been previously known
(anadhigata) and so falls outside the scope
of memory (smriti)’, is the definition given
a. Nyaya
b. Jainism
c. Sankhya
d. Buddhism
52. According to Nyaya valid knowledge
consists in the manifestion of an object as
it really is. It is the application of
a. Correspondence theory of truth
b. Coherence theory of truth
c. Pragmatic theory of truth
d. Self-evident theory of truth
53. Which of the following theories holds that
a true proposition is one that describes an
actual state of affairs?
a. Coherence theory
b. Pragmatic theory
c. Phenomenological theory
d. Correspondence theory
54. Consider the following statements :
1. Ethical judgements are universalizable
2. Logical relation among ethical
judgements are
3. The evaluative meaning of ‘Good’ can
be used to effect a change in the
description meaning of it.
Which of these statements is/are
acceptable to R.M. Hare?
a. 1 only
b. 1 and 2
c. 2 and 3
d. 1, 2 and 3
55. According to Stevenson, moral
disagreement does not involve which one
of the following?
a. Disagreement in belief
b. Disagreement in attitude
c. Disagreement in both belief and
d. Disagreement in neither belief not
56. Which one of the following view dows not
accept that moral judgements are
supervenient on the description of the
object of moral judgement?
a. Descriptivism
b. Prescriptivism
c. Intuitionism
d. Emotivism
57. Consider the following statements :
1. He be self abides in the self and has
found joy, satisfaction and peace in
2. He has given up all his desires.
3. He is not affected by pain, pleasure,
passion fear and anger.
4. He has withdrawn all his senses from
the attraction of their object
Which of the above statements correctly
describe(s) sthitaprajna according to Gita?
a. 1 only
b. 2 and 4
c. 2 and 3
d. 1, 2, 3 and 4
58. Which one of the following is not
acceptable in the Gita’s concept of
niskama karma?
a. The agent’s concern is solely with the
action, never with its fruits
b. There follows no result from the action
c. The results cease to be ends because
they are not desired
d. There can be no end conceivable apart
from desire
59. Aparigraha is a part of Jaina ethics because
a. there are limited resources in the
b. material possession leads to attachment
c. it is desirable to be poor and simple
d. it ensures better distribution of wealth
60. Match List-I with List-II and select the
correct answer:
A. Influx of matter into the soul
B. Complete elimination of matter from
the soul
C. Passions of the soul
D. Stoppage of influx of matter into the
1. Samvaras
2. Asrava
3. Nirjara
4. Vikara
a. 5 1 4 3
b. 2 3 5 1
c. 5 3 4 1
d. 2 1 5 3
61. Consider the following five links in the
chain of causation in Buddhism :
1. Clinging (Upadana)
2. Six organs of knowledge (sadayatana)
3. Sense contaxt (sparsa)
4. Sense experience (vedana)
5. Thirst (trsna)
The correct chronological sequence of
these links is :
a. 2, 1, 3, 4, 5
b. 5, 2, 1, 4, 3
c. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
d. 2, 1, 4, 3, 5
62. Which is the most important means for
attaining nirvana?
a. tapah
b. anasakti
c. astangamarga
8 of 13
d. atmahuti
63. Consider the following four truths :
1. There is cessation of suffering.
2. There is a way leading to the cessation
of suffering.
3. There is suffering.
4. There is cause of suffering
The correct order of the above truths is :
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 3, 4, 2, 1
c. 4, 3, 1, 2
d. 3, 4, 1, 2
64. Which one of the following is not presupposed
by Gandhi in his idea of
a. Contingency of evil in man
b. Contingency of goodness in man
c. Identity of Truth and God
d. Eventual triumph of non-violence
65. Which of the following views were held
by Gandhi?
1. The means may be likened to a seed,
the end to a tree.
2. There is no wall of separation between
means and end
3. The realization of the goal is
proportional to the means employed.
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. 1, 2 and 3
66. The fact-value distinction is rejected by
a. Kant
b. Hume
c. Hare
d. Hegal
67. A man who seeks pleasure and fails to get
it, is facing the paradox of
a. Eudaemonism
b. Rigorism
c. Altruism
d. Hedonism
68. Which one of the following is implied by
'p ⊂ q'
a. ~ (~ p. ~ q)∨ ~ (~ p . q)
b. ~ (~ p∨ ~ q)∨ ~ (~ p ∨ q)
c. p ≡ (p . q)
d. (p∨ q) . (p ∨ ~ q)
69. Assertion (A) : According to Kant, moral
philosophy can have an empirical
Reason (R) : According to Kant, moral
philosophy has to formulate its laws for
the will of man as affected by nature.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
70. Assertion (A) : Perfect peace in Buddhism
is not in the pleasures gained through the
fulfilment of desires.
Reason (R) : Perfect peace in Buddhism is
a state of calmness, evenness and
passionless self possession.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
71. Assertion (A) : There is lack of entailment
between description and prescription.
Reason (R) : Description and prescription
have different functions in language.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
72. Assertion (A) : Atman cannot be the agent
of action
Reason (R) : The five causes adhistana,
karta, karma, cesta and daiva operating
together lead to successful completion of
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
73. Assertion (A) : Means must also be as pure
as are our ends.
Reason (R) : Ultimately means are
necessary part of the end itself.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
9 of 13
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
74. Assertion (A) : OAO is a valid mood in
IInd figure.
Reason (R) : The middle term is properly
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
75. Assertion (A) : Carvaka did not favour the
use of inference to establish metaphysical
Reason (R) : He believed that through
inference we can acquire indubitable
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
76. Assertion (A) : Shankara repeatedly asserts
that the absolute can be realized through
knowledge and knowledge alone
Reason (R) : Knowledge only removes
ignorance and then reality shines forth by
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
77. Assertion (A) : For an advaitin, ‘tat tvam
asi’ gives an identity statement.
Reason (R) : This statment has to be
interpreted with the help of laksanavtti.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
78. Assertion (A) : Some universal affirmative
propositions distribute both the subect and
the predicate.
Reason (R) : Both the subject and the
predicate are equal in quantity in such
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
79. Assertion (A) : In Moore’s view goodness
is unanalysable
Reason (R) : Goodness is indefinable.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
80. Assertion (A) : Freedom of rational will
and necessity of natural causality are
Reason (R) : Necessity of natural causality
relates the action to its consequences,
while freedom of rational will relate the
agent to the choice of action.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT
the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
81. Consider the Venn Diagram :
Which one of the following symbolic
arguments does it represent correctly?
SP 0
MS 0
PM 0
∴ =
SP 0
SM 0
MP 0
∴ =
SP 0
MS 0
PM 0
∴ ≠
10 of 13
SP 0
MS 0
PM 0
∴ ≠
82. Which of the following Venn diagrammes
shows the valid deduction of conclusion :
No S is P?
83. “Matter does not exist, since matter has no
consciousness and whatever has
consciousness exists’ is shown invalid by
which one of the following venn
84. The syllogism ‘Light’ is not a material
body since light is not a gravitating body
and every gravitating body is a material
body’ commits the fallacy of :
a. Illicit minor term
b. Undistributed middle term
c. Ambiguous minor term
d. Illicit major term
85. ‘None but true Yogis are qualified for the
highest mystical experiences and only true
Yogis are saints. Therefore, only saints are
qualified for the highest mystical
What fallacy is committed in the above
a. Existential fallacy
b. Fallacy of illicit major
c. Fallacy of illicit minor
d. Fallacy of updistributed middle
86. From IE as premises no cluclusion can be
drawn because it involves
a. The fallacy of undistributed middle
b. The fallacy of illicit minor
c. The fallacy of illicit major
d. Existential fallacy
87. Consider the following sentences :
1. If today is Saturday, tomorrow will be
2. Since today is Saturday, tomorrow will
be Sunday.
Of the sentences given above :
a. 1 is an argument and 2 is not an
b. 1 is not an argument and 2 is an
c. Both 1 and 2 are arguments
d. Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
88. Which one of the following is a tautology?
a. (p ⊃ (p ⊃ q)) ⊃ q
b. p ⊃ ((p ⊃ q) ⊃ q)
11 of 13
c. p ⊃ (p ⊃ (q. ~ q))
d. p ⊃ (p ⊃ (q. ~ q))
89. Which one of the following is correct truth
functional symbolization of the sentrence.
‘Unless logic is difficult, Adbul will pass
if he concentrates’? (P : Logic is difficult,
Q : Abdul will pass; R : Abdul
a. p ⊃ (R ⊃ Q)
b. ~ p ⊃ (Q ⊃ R)
c. ~ p ∨ (R ⊃ Q)
d. P ∨ (R ⊃ Q)
90. Which one of the following is correct truth
functional symbolization of the sentence.
‘It is not the case that Abdul will secure
employment provided that the text is
readable, then he will marry only if he
concentrates’? (P : Abdul will secure
employment; Q : The text is readable; R :
Abdul will marry; S : Abdul concentrates)
a. ~ (Q ⊃ P) ⊃ (S⊃ R)
b. ~ (Q ⊃~ P) ⊃ (R ⊃ S)
c. ~ (Q ⊃ P) ⊃ (R ⊃ S)
d. (Q ⊃ P) ⊃~ (R ⊃ S)
91. The statement ‘If that is an artistic
masterpiece, then am monkey’s uncle’ is a
case of
a. causal implication
b. semantic implication
c. definitional implication
d. material implication
92. Match List-I (Symbolic Forms) with List-
II (Rules) and select the correct answer:
(Symbolic Forms)
A. [(p∨ q) ⊃ r] ≡ [~ r ⊃~ (p ∨ q)]
B. [(p . q) ≡ (r ⊃ s)] ≡ {[(p . q) (r ⊃ s)]∨
[~ (p . q) . ~ (r ⊃ s)]}
C. [(p . q) ⊃ r)] [p ⊃ (q ⊃ r)]
D. ~ [(p∨ q) . r] ≡ [~ (p∨ q) ∨ ~ r]
1. Transposition
2. Equivalence
3. Exportation
4. De Morgan
a. 1 2 3 4
b. 3 4 1 2
c. 1 4 3 2
d. 3 2 1 4
93. Match List-I (Rules of Replacement) with
List-Ii (Laws/theorem) and select the
correct answer :
List I
A. ~ (p ∨ q) ≡ (~ p . ~ q)
B. [(p∨ q)∨ r)] [p∨ (q ∨ r)]
C. [p∨ (q . r)] ≡ [(p∨ q) . (p ∨ r)]
D. [(p ⊃ q) ≡ (~ q ⊃~ p)
List II
1. Law of distribution
2. Law of association
3. Law of transposition
4. De Morgan’s theorem
a. 3 1 2 4
b. 4 2 1 3
c. 3 2 1 4
d. 4 1 2 3
94. Without changing the truth-value, the
[(A. B) ⊃ (C∨ D)] statement may be
rewritten as
a. [(A. B) . ~ (C∨ D)]
b. [(~ A . B) .∨ ~ (C∨ D)]
c. [(~ A. B) .∨ (~ C∨ D)]
d. ~ [(~ A . B) . ~ (C∨ D)]
95. Choose the correct equivalence.
a. ~ (p . q) ≡ (~ p∨ ~ q)]
b. (~ q ⊃ q) ≡ (p ⊃ q)
c. (p ≡ q) ≡ [(p ⊃ q) ∨ (~ p . ~ q)]
d. ~ (p ∨ q) ≡~ (p . q)
96. Match List-I (Truth Function) with List-II
(Equivalent Truth Function) and select the
correct answer :
List I
A. (~ p ∨ q) ⊃ r
B. ~ (p . q) ∨ ~~ r
C. (~ p ⊃ q) r
D. (p ⊃ q) ⊃ r
List II
1. ~ (~ p ∨ q) ∨ r
2. (p . q) ∨ (q r) c
3. (p . q) ⊃ ∨ r
4. (p . ~ q)∨ r
12 of 13
a. 2 1 4 3
b. 4 3 2 1
c. 2 3 4 1
d. 4 1 2 3
97. Which one of the following is correct
transformation of
'(p ⊃ q) ⊃[(r ∨ p) ⊃ (r ∨ q)'?
a. (p . ~ q)∨ (~ r∨ ~ p)∨ (r ∨ q)
b. ~ (~ p ∨ q) ∨ ~ (r . p) ∨ (r ∨ q)
c. (p. ~ q)∨ (r . p)∨ (r . q)
d. (p. ~ q)∨ (~ r . ~ p)∨ (r ∨ q)
98. Which of the following is the Law of
a. (p ∨ (q .r)] ≡ [(p∨ q) . (p ∨ r)]
b. [(p . q) ⊃ r] ≡ (p ⊃ (q ∨ r)]
c. [p∨ (q ∨ r] ≡ [(p∨ q)∨ r]
d. [p . (q . r] ≡ [(p . q) . r]
99. Which one of the following sentences is
not equivalent to the other three?
a. Neither Amit nor Rahul will be taken
b. Amit and Rahul will both not be taken
c. Amit and Rahul will not both be taken
d. It is not the case that either Amir or
Rahul be taken
100. Xavier was saint
This is a
a. statement of fact
b. deontic judgement
c. aretaic judgement
d. judgement of non-moral value
101. Which one of the following pairs is not
correctly matched?
a. Deontology : Teleology
b. Emotivism : Prescriptivism
c. Hedonism : Asceticism
d. Intuitionism : Descriptivism
102. According to Kant, moral law is
a. a priori, and based on reason
b. a priori, and not based on reason
c. a posteriori, and not based on reason
d. a posteriori, and based on reason
103. The object of cognition is unreal according
a. Vijnanvada
b. Shunyavada
c. Advaitavada
d. Vishishtadvaitavada
104. Teleological theories say that an action is
a. If it is done for the sakes of duty
b. if it is done under duress
c. if its consequences are good
d. for its intrinsic worth
105. If a philosopher accpets that we ought
always to tell the truth, then which one of
the following is the correct description of
this thinker?
He is
a. rule-deontologist
b. act-deontologist
c. teleologist
d. hedonist
106. The theory of conduct that bases the
rightness of an act not entirely upon
consequences is called
a. Act-utilitarianism
b. Rule-utilitarianism
c. Relativism
d. Deontological theory
107. If an ethical theory denies that the ultimate
criterion of what is morally right,
obligatory etc. is the non-moral value that
is brought into being, then it is advocating
a. Consequentialism
b. Deontology
c. Teleology
d. Hedonism
108. Consider the following argument :
Pleasure and pleasure alone is desired as
an end. Therefore, pleasure and pleasure
alone is good as an end.
According to G.E. Moore, which one of
the following is correct regarding this
a. The argument is valid
b. The argument commits naturalistic
c. The argument commits fallacy of
organic unities
d. The argument is undecidable with
respect to validity/invalidity
109. An act is right if and only if it conforms to
a set of rules, the general conformity to
which would maximize utility. This
principle is advocated by
a. Primitive rule utilitarianism
b. Actual rule utilitarianism
c. Ideal rule utilarianism
d. General utilitarianism
110. According to Bentham and Mill, which
one of the following principles of equality
is embodies in the principle of utility?
13 of 13
a. Basic capability of each person ought
to be equal to another’s
b. Primary goal of each person must be
equal to another’s
c. Each person’s total happiness ought to
be equal to another’s
d. Each person’s happiness is supposed to
be equal in degree and is counted for
exactly as much as another’s
111. According to Bentham, which one of the
following is the correct list of all the
dimensions of pleasure, which must be
taken into account in calculating utility?
a. Intensity, duration, certainty,
propinquity, proximity, purity and
b. Intensity, duration, certainty,
propinquity, proximity, purity and
c. Intensity, duration, certainty,
propinquity, fecundity, fertility and
d. Intensity, duration, certainty,
propinquity, fecundity, purity and
112. “Nature has placed mankind under the
governance of two sovereign masters–pain
and pleasure “This statement is made by
Bentham. In this statement, Bentham is
advocating the principle of
a. ethical headonism
b. psychological hedonism
c. utilitarianism
d. ascerticism
113. According to Mill, under which one of the
following conditions, one pleasure is
qualitatively better than another?
a. If it is preferred by those who have
experience of both
b. If it is mental while the other is
c. If it requires refined taste while the
other requires crude sensibility
d. If it is variegated and complex while
the other is simple
114. According to Kant, we ought to treat
a. Always only as an end
b. Sometimes as an end
c. Always only as a means
d. Never only as a means
115. For Kant, the notion of ‘ought’ is
applicable to :
a. Animals
b. Fully rational creatures
c. ‘A Holy will’
d. Man who is rational and yet has
116. According to Kant, abstract from the
personal differences and the content of
personal differences is required in the
categorical imperative in the context of the
formula of
a. Universal law
b. Universal law of nature
c. End in itself
d. Kingdom of ends
117. What is true of Spinoza’s parallelism?
a. It explains the mental by the physical
b. It explains the physical by the mental
c. It is double aspect theory accepting
both the mental and physical realms as
manifestations of the same substance
d. It accepts the mental and the physical
as two stages of evolution
118. If a person is accused of having done
something then he gives excuses to deny
a. freedom of the will
b. responsibility of the action
c. both freedom of will and responsibility
of action
d. neither freedom of will nor
responsibility of the action
119. If a believer in free will attributes an
action X to a person P, then which of the
following propositions is/are believed by
1. P could have acted otherwise than
doing X.
2. P is responsible for consequences of X.
3. P has power to do X.
4. P has reason to do X.
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a. 1, 2, 3 and 4
b. 1, 2 and 3
c. 1 and 2
d. 1 only
120. If a philosopher believes that ‘X is good’
means ‘X is conducive to pleasure’, then
he is a
a. Descriptivist
b. Emotivist
c. Intuitionist
d. Perfectionist
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