Friday, January 8, 2010

Medical Sciences-2005

91. Grade III duodenal injuries of less than 6
hours duration are best treated by
a. Conservative management
b. Primary laparotomy
c. Primary repair, pyloric exclusion and
d. Primary repair over a T-tube
92. Most common cause of bacterial
meningitis in adults is
a. Streptococcus pneumoniae
b. Hamophilus Influenzae
c. E. coli
d. Listeria monocytogenes
93. Which one of the following statemtns is
not true in regard to fracture healing ?
a. Lower limb fractures heal earlier than
those of upper limb
b. Fractures in children heal earlier than
in adults
c. Transverse fractures take longer time
to unite than spiral fractures
d. No fracture unites in less than three
94. The Lauren’s classification divides gastric
cancer into
a. Early an advanced disease
b. Intestinal and diffuse forms
c. Ulcerative and exophytic lesions
d. Proximal and distal sites
95. In a patient, in which one of the following
conditions does the lower limb lies in the
position of flexion, adduction and internal
rotation ?
a. Anterior dislocation of hip
b. Central dislocation of hip
c. Posterior dislocation of hip
d. Intertrochanteric fracture of femur
96. Match list I with List II and select the
correct answer using the codes :
List I
A. Compound fracture
B. Spiral fracture
C. Transverse fracture
D. Double oblique
List II
1. Direct violence
2. Indirect violence as a twisting fore
3. Indirect violence as a bending force
4. Butterfly segment
a. 1 3 2 4
b. 1 2 3 4
c. 4 3 2 1
d. 4 2 3 1
97. Treatment of fractured shaft of femur in an
infant is best carried out by
a. Preliminary traction followed by
fracture brace
b. Locked nail
c. Gallow’s traction
d. Fixed traction
98. A patient aged 80 years sustains sub
capital fracture neck femur with
displacement. The best treatment option is
a. A O screws
b. Thompson prosthesis
c. Austin Moore prosthesis
d. Total hip replacement
99. Most common organism responsible for
overwhelming post-spleenectomy
infection is
a. Pneumococcus
b. Streptococcus
c. E. Coli
d. H. Influenzae
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100. Match List I (Disease) with List II
(Treatment) and select the correct answer
using the codes :
List I
A. Duct papilloma
B. Fibroadenoma
C. Cystosarcoma phylloides
D. Paget’s disease
List II
1. Enucleation of tumour
2. Simple mastectomy
3. sub-Cutaneous mastectomy
4. Microdochectomy
a. 2 3 1 4
b. 4 1 3 2
c. 4 3 1 2
d. 2 1 3 4
101. In patients with Thromboangitis obliterans
the disease commences in and progresses
a. Digital arteries and small arteries of
the foot and then proceeds to involve
the crural arteries and progresses as
skip lesions or continuous progression
b. Crural arteries and proceeds to involve
the digital arteries and small arteries of
the foot and has continuous
c. The disease involves infrapopliteal
vessel only and progresses by
continuous form to involve femoral
d. Disease involves supra Popliteal
vessels and progresses by skip lesions
distally and proximally
102. Presence of peau d’orange in carcinoma
breast is staged is
a. T4a
b. T4b
c. T4c
d. T4d
103. The appendicular artery is a branch of
a. Inferior branch of Ileocolic artery
b. Superior branch of Ileocolic artery
c. Anterior caecal artery
d. Posterior caecal artery
104. The part of nephrons in kidney that
operates as counter current multiplier is
a. Procimal convoluted tubule
b. Loop of Henle
c. Distal convoluted tubule
d. Vasa recta
105. The poison rotenone is fatal due to its
effect on
a. Cytochrome b
b. NAD-linked dehydrogenase
c. Succinate dehydrogenase
d. Uncouplers

106. To which one or the following events in
the heart does the PH interval in ECG
training correspond?
a. Cardiac impulse reaching AV node
b. Cardiac impulse generation in SA node
c. Atrail depolarization and conduction
through AV node
d. Atrail depolarisation
107. Respiratory centres in the brain stem show
decreased sensitivity to P CO2 during
a. Slow-wave sleep
b. Mental concentration
c. Physical exercise
d. Voluntary hyperventilation
108. Consider the following statements :
AV Nodal delay
1. allows atrial to get filled adequately
2. allows atrial systole to be over
3. is due to less nexi between AV Nodal
Which of the statemtns given above are
correct ?
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. 1 and 3
109. In a heart beating at 72 times/minute the
absolute refractor period is
a. 3 milliseconds
b. 30 milliseconds
c. 300 milliseconds
d. 3 Seconds
110. The sequence of steps in muscle relaxation
a. Release of Ca2+ from troponin, Ca2+
pumped back in sarcoplasmic
reticulum, cessation of interaction
between actin and myosin
b. Release of Ca2+ from troponin,
cessation of interaction between actin
and myosin, Ca2+ pumped back in
sarcoplasmic reticulum
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c. Ca2+ pumped back in sarcoplasmic
reticulum, release of Ca2+ from
troponin, cessation of interaction
between actin and myosin
d. Cessation of interaction between actin
and myosin, release of Ca2+ from
troponin, Ca2+ pumped back in
sarcoplasmic reticulum
111. Ovulation occurs
a. immediately after LH peak
b. nine hours after LH peak
c. during early part of follicular phas
d. three hours after LH peak
112. The over-expression of a trinucleotide
repeat causes
a. Parkinson’s disease
b. Caisson’s disease
c. Addison‘s disease
d. Huntington’s disease
113. Which one of the following factors is
stimulant of both peripheral and central
chemoreceptors causing increased
a. A decrease in arterial oxygen content
b. An increase in arterial CO2 tension
c. A decrease in arterial O2 tension
d. An increase in arterial blood pH
114. the excitatory signals from Pontine
reticular formation are normally inhibited
a. vestibular nuclei
b. cerebellar nuclei
c. Medullary reticular formation
d. Basal ganglia
115. Stimulation of which one of the following
can produce sleep ?
a. Posterior hypothalamus
b. Medullary reticular formation
c. Gracile and cuneate nuclei
d. Occipital cortex
116. Match List I(Sensory Receptor) with List
II (Response elicited) and select the
correct answer using the codes :
List I
A. Muscle spindle
B. Free nerve endings
C. Gustatory receptors
D. Labyrinthine receptors
List II
1. Postural adjustment salivation
2. Muscle contraction
3. Muscle contraction
4. Withdrawl response
5. Muscle relaxation
a. 1 4 3 2
b. 1 5 3 2
c. 3 1 2 4
d. 3 5 2 1
117. Consider the following diseases :
1. Hymenolepis nana infection
2. Endemic typhus
3. Trench fever
Which of the above is/are transmitted by
rat flea ?
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 2 only
d. 1 and 3
118. Consider the following kinds of
1. Adhesion molecules
2. Chemical mediators
3. bacterial antigens
4. Toxic oxygen radicals
Which of the above determine leucocyte
adhesion and transmigration in
inflammation ?
a. 1 only
b. 1 and 2
c. 2, 3 and 4
d. 3 and 4
119. Which one of the following is not a
macrophage product ?
a. Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)
b. Interleukin I
c. Bradykinin
d. Lysozyme
120. Consider the following statements :
The histologic identity of chronic
inflammation constitute
1. Infiltration of tissue by mononuclear
2. Exudation of fluid in the tissue
3. Proliferation of fluid in the tissue
4. proliferation of fibroblasts
Which of the statements given above are
correct ?
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 2, 3 and 4
c. 1, 3 and 4
d. 1, 2 and 4

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