Thursday, January 7, 2010

General Studies-1994

1. Indian expertise was recently used in the
archaeological restoration of the
monuments at
a. Angkor Wat
b. Jerusalem
c. Rome
d. Yucatan
2. The pitch of the voice of women is in
a. higher than that of men
b. marginally lower than that of men
c. much lower than that of men
d. the same as that of men
3. An aeroplane takes off from 300 North
Lat., 500 East Long., and lands at the
opposite end of the earth. Where does it
a. 30° North Lat., 50° West Long.
b. 30° South Lat., 50° West Long.
c. 50° North Lat, 30° West Long.
d. 30° South Lat., 130° West Long.
4. The heart of human embryo starts beating
a. in the first week of ifs development
b. in the third week of its development
c. in the fourth week of its development
d. in the sixth week of its development
5. Given below are voting percentages of a
political party secured in three successive
elections to the Lok Sabha:
The party which secured these percentages
of votes was
a. Congress (1)
b. Bahujan Samaj Party
c. Bharatiya Janata Party
d. Communist Party of India (Marxist)
6. To know whether the rich are getting
richer and the poor getting poorer, it is
necessary to compare
a. the wholesale price index over
different periods of time for different
b. the distribution of income of an
identical set of income recipients in
different periods of time
c. the distribution of income of different
sets of income recipients at a point of
d. the availability of food grains among
two sets of people, one rich and the
other poor, over different periods of
7. The earliest evidence of silver in India is
found in the
a. Harappan culture
b. Chalcolithic cultures of Western India
c. Vedic texts
d. silver punch-marked coins
8. Consider the figure of a fountain with four
holes given below:
Which one of the holes in the fountain will
throw the water farthest?
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
9. The length of its day and the tilt of its axis
are almost identical to those of the earth.’
This is true of
a. Uranus
b. Neptune
c. Saturn
d. Mars
10. If father has blood group A and mother has
blood group O then which one of the
following blood groups may be found in
their son?
a. B
b. AB
c. O
d. B, AB or O
11. The main function of the I.M.F. is to
a. arrange international deposits from
b. help to solve balance of payments
problems of member countries
c. act as a private sector lending arm of
the World Bank
d. finance investment loans to developing
12. Who among the following was the leader
of a number of anti-British revolts in
a. Utirat Singh
b. Surendra Sai
c. Kattabomman
d. Sayyid Ahmad Barelvi
13. Which one of the following is a language
of Baluchistan but linguistically
a. Brahui
b. Kui
c. Parji
d. Pengo
14. In an electronic watch, the component
corresponding to pendulum of a pendulum
clock is a
a. transistor
b. crystal oscillator
c. diode
d. balance wheel
15. Match List I with List II
List I (Crops)
A. Rice
B. Wheat
C. Sugarcane
D. Gram
List II (Crop pests)
1. Aphid
2. Gundhi bug
3. Greasy cutworm
4. Top shoot borer moth
5. Bollworm
a. 2 3 4 5
b. 3 1 2 4
c. 2 1 4 3
d. 5 4 1 3
16. What is the correct sequence of the
following in a heart attack?
1. Narrowing of the inner orifice of the
2. ‘Plaque’ from fibrous tissue and high
3. Inadequate supply of blood and oxygen
4. Clots of blood carried into the
coronary arteries
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 2, 4, 1, 3
c. 2, 3, 1, 4
d. 4, 2, 1, 3
17. Which of the following statements about
the Dunkel draft is/are correct?
1. It is mandatory for the Government of
India to accept all its proposals in all
the sectors.
2. In the field of agriculture, the main
proposal is to cut agricultural
3. In the field of textiles, it reiterates the
operation of the multiform agreement.
4. The proposals have already been
accepted by the Parliament.
a. 1 only
b. 1 and 2 only
c. l, 2 and 4 only
d. 3 and 4 only
18. in the case of a ‘Test-tube bady’
a. fertilization takes place inside the testtube
b. development of the baby takes place
inside the test-tube
c. fertilization takes place outside the
mother’s body
d. unfertilized egg develops inside the
19. Which one of the following is the most
fundamental difference between Mahayana
Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism?
a. Emphasis on ahimsa
b. Casteless society
c. Worship of gods and goddesses’
d. Worship of stupa
20. A man jumped at a speed of 5 meters per
second from a stationary boat and the boat
moved, off with the speed of 0.5 meter per
second. How many times is the mass of the
boat greater than that of the man?
a. 5.5 times
b. 4.5 times
c. 2.5 times
d. 10 times
21. Given below is a map of America
3 of 15
The shaded (marked 1 and 2), dotted
(marked 3) and the plain areas (marked 4)
indicate respectively, the regions where
the languages spoken are
a. Spanish, French, Portuguese and others
b. French. Spanish, Portuguese and others
c. French, Portuguese, Spanish and
d. Portuguese. French, Spanish and others
22. Which one of the following is in the
correct sequential order in which these
appeared under simulated primitive earth
a. Methane, Hydrogen cyanide, nitriles.
b. Hydrogen cyanide, methane. nitriles,
c. Arninoacids, nitriles, Hydrogen
cyanide, methane
d. Nitriles, aminoacids, methane,
Hydrogen cyanide
23. The statue of Gomateswara at
Sravanabelagola was built by
a. Chandragupta Maurya
b. Kharavela
c. Amoghavarsha
d. Chamundaraya
24. Which of the following is/are used as
1. Azolla
2. Blue-green algae
3. Alfalfa
a. 2 alone
b. 1 and 2
c. 1 and 3
d. 1, 2 and 3
25. Even though an animal is fed with
carbohydrate-rich diet, its blood sugar
concentration tends to remain constant.
This is on account of the fact that in the
case of an animal
a. hormones of pituitary glands control
metabolic process
b. hormones of pancreas cause such a
c. blood sugar is readily absorbed by
d. glucose undergoes autolysis
26. One mole of hydrogen gas burns in excess
of oxygen to give 290 kJ of heat. What is
the amount of heat produced when 4 g of
hydrogen gas is burnt under the same
a. 145.kJ
b. 290 kJ
c. 580 kJ
d. 1160 kJ
27. Consider the map given below:
The numbers marked 1, 2, 3 and 4
respectively indicate the islands of
a. the Bahamas, Azores, Falkland Cape
b. the Bahamas, Azores, Cape Verde and
c. Azores, Cope Verde, the Bahamas and
d. Cape Verde, the Bahamas, Falkland
and Azores
28. Fiscal deficit in the Union Budget means
a. the sum of budgetary deficit and net
increase in internal and external
b. the difference between current
expenditure and current revenue
c. the sum of monetized deficit and
budgetary deficit
d. net increase in Union Government’s
borrowings from the Reserve Bank of
29. ‘Live well, as long as you live. Live well
even by borrowing, for, once cremated,
there is no return.’ This rejection of afterlife
is an aphorism of the
a. Kapalika sect
b. Sunyavada of Nagarjuna
c. Ajivikas
d. Charvakas
30. Who among the following are appointed
by the President of India?
1. The Chairman, Finance Commission
4 of 15
2. The Deputy Chairman, Planning
3. The Chief Minister of a Union
a. 1 only
b. 1 and 2 only
c. 1 and 3 only
d. 2 and 3 only
31. If a gas is compressed to half of its original
volume at 27°C, to what temperature
should it be heated to make it occupy its
original, volume?
a. 321° C
b. 600° C
c. 54° C
d. 300° C
32. Those who joined Mahatma Gandhi during
the Champaran struggle included
a. Vallabhbhai Patel and Vinobha Bhave
b. Jawaharlal Nehru and Rajendra Prasad
c. Rajendra Prasad and Anugraha
Narayan Sinha
d. Mahadev Desai and Maniben Patel
33. The shortest air-route from Perth to
London is
a. Perth, Bombay, Rome, London
b. Perth, Ankara, Paris, London
c. Perth, Aden, Paris, London
d. Perth, Mombasa, Rome. London
34. Which of the following are characteristics
shown by a breast-fed baby when
compared to a bottle-fed baby?
1. It is less obese.
2. It shows greater capacity to resist
3. It gets more vitamins and proteins.
4. Its growth in height is abnormal.
a. l, 2 and 3
b. l, 2 and 4
c. 1, 3 and 4
d. 2, 3 and 4
35. According to the newly adopted
Constitution of Russia, the Prime Minister
is appointed by
a. the State, Duma the Lower Chamber of
the Federal Assembly
b. the President, with the consent of the
State Duma
c. the President, with the consent of the
Federal Council
d. the Federal Council
36. Which one of the following usages was a
post- Vedic development?
a. Dharma — Artha — Kama — Moksha
b. Brahmana — Kshatriya— Vaishya —
c. Brahmacharya — Grihastashrama
Vanaprastha — Sanyasa
d. Indra — Surya — Rudra — Marut
37. The basic reason for the extraordinary
sparkle of a suitably cut diamond is that
a. it has a very high transparency
b. it has a very high refractive index
c. it is very hard
d. it has well-defined cleavage planes
38. The Himalayas are formed of parallel fold
ranges of which the oldest range is
a. the Siwalik Range
b. the Lesser Himalayas
c. the Great Himalayan Range
d. the Dhaule Dhar Range
39. Which one of the following crops enriches
the nitrogen content in soil?
a. Potato
b. Sorghum
c. Sunflower
d. Pea
40. The basic structure theory of the
Constitution of India implies that
a. certain features of the Constitution are
so essential to it that they cannot be
b. fundamental rights cannot be abridged
or taken away
c. the Constitution cannot be amended
except in accordance with the
procedure prescribed in Art. 368
d. the Preamble of the Constitution
cannot be amended for it is not a part
of the Constitution. and at the same
time represents its real spirit
41. The hallmark of watershed development in
the semi-arid regions of India is the
a. establishment of sheds on Large scale,
so that the ram water does not
b. undertaking of earthworks, soil
conservation measures and tree
plantation, so as to conserve soil
moisture and recharge underground
c. drilling deep tube wells so as to tap
water at the rock-strata level
d. setting up a system of tanks by
embanking water from seasonal rivers
42. The capital of the kingdom of Maharaja
Ranjit Singh was
a. Amritsar
b. Patiala
c. Lahore
d. Kapurthala
43. Which one of the following combinations
of aperture and shutter speed of a camera
will allow the maximum exposure?
a. f-22. 1/60
b. f-16, 1/125
c. f-8, 1/250
d. f-5.6, 1/1000
44. In the balanced dietaries for a day of an
adult working man, weights of
carbohydrate food and total protein food
(both superior and inferior) should be in
order of
a. 600 gm and 420 gm respectively
b. 600 gm and 600 gm respectively
c. 420 gm and 600 gm respectively
d. 420 gm and 420 gm respectively
45. Which one of the following is caused by
the expression of a recessive gene present
on sex chromosome?
a. Rheumatism
b. Nervous shock
c. Muscular dystrophy
d. Cerebral haemorrhage
46. ‘Tue Uniting for Peace Resolution’
adopted by the U.N. has
a. enhanced the powers of the General
Assembly in a comprehensive way
b. reduced the powers of the General &
c. made no difference to the powers of
the General Assembly
d. empowered the General Assembly to
act in specific situations in matters of
peace and security
47. Convertibility of the rupee implies
a. being able to convert rupee notes into
b. allowing the value of the rupee to be
fixed by market forces
c. freely permitting the conversion of
rupee to other major currencies and
vice versa
d. deve1opin an international market for
currencies in India
48. In ancient Indian historical geography the
name ‘Ratnakara’ denoted
a. the Arabian Sea
b. the Bay of Bengal
c. the Indian Ocean
d. the confluence of the Ganga, the
Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati at
49. Which one of the following is the most
important reason for the establishment of
the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre at
a. The sea is near to the place in the East,
West and South directions
b. It is a place near to city in India, which
is nearest to the Geographic Equator
c. It is situated on the Geomagnetic
d. Outer space near Thumba exhibits
queer atmospheric phenomena
50. Consider the map of India below:
The map read with the index provided
refer to the distribution of
a. winter rains
b. pressure
c. annual rainy cays
d. mean temperature
51. Which one of the following animals stores
water in the intestine?
a. Moloch
b. Camel
c. Zebra
d. Uromastix
52. E.T.A. is a terrorist organization in
a. Cyprus
b. Sri Lanka
c. Spain
d. South Africa
53. If water pollution continues at its present
rate, it will eventually
a. stop water cycle
b. prevent precipitation
c. make oxygen molecules unavailable to
water plants
6 of 15
d. make nitrate unavailable to water
54. In the Gandhara sculptures the preaching
mudra associated with the Buddha’s First
Sermon at Sarnath is
a. abhaya
b. dhyana
c. dharmachakra
d. bhumisparsa
55. A corked bottle full of water when forzen
will break because
a. the bottle contracts on freezing
b. the volume of water decreases on
c. the volume of water increases on
d. glass is a bad conductor of heat
56. Which one of the following regions of
Asia is experiencing the highest annual
growth rate of population?
a. South Asia
b. South-East Asia
c. Central Asia
d. West Asia
57. The only anthropoid ape to be found in
India is the
a. hanuman monkey
b. liontailed macaque of Western Ghats
c. slow loris of Assam
d. White browed gibbon of Assam
58. Which of the following statements
regarding the advisory jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court are correct?
1. It is binding on the Supreme Court to
give its opinion on any matter referred
to it by the President.
2. The full bench of the Supreme Court
hears any reference made to it under its
power of advisory jurisdiction.
3. The opinion given by the Supreme
Curt on a reference under advisory
jurisdiction is not binding on the
4. Not more than one reference at a time
can be made to the Supreme Court
under its power of advisory
59. Which one of the following governmental
steps has proved relatively effective in
controlling the double digit rate of
inflation in the Indian economy during
recent years?
a. Enhanced rate of production of all
consumer goods
b. Streamlined public distribution system
c. Pursuing an export-oriented strategy
d. Containing budgetary deficits and
unproductive expenditure
60. The name of the poet Kalidasa is
mentioned in the
a. Allahabad pillar inscription
b. Aihole inscription
c. Alapadu grant
d. Hanumakonda inscription
61. The main constituents of pearl are
a. calcium carbonate and magnesium
b. aragonite and conchiolin
c. ammonium sulphate and sodium
d. calcium oxide and ammonium chloride
62. Given below are two statements, one
labelled as Assertion (A) and the other
labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): The monsoonal rainfall
decreases as one goes towards the west
and north-west in the Ganga plain.
Reason (R): The moisture-bearing
monsoonal winds go higher up as one
moves up in the Ganga plain.
In the context of the above two statements
which one of the following is correct?
a. Both A and Rare true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is not a
correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
63. Consider the map given below:
The shaded area in the map shows the
kingdom of the
a. Satavahanas
b. Chalukyas of Vatapi
c. Rashtrakutas
d. Marathas
64. If safe storage is to be ensured, the
moisture content of food grains at the time
of harvesting should NOT be higher than
7 of 15
a. 14%
b. 16%
c. 18%
d. 20%
65. Devaluation of a currency means
a. reduction in the value of a currency
vis-a-vis major internationally traded
b. permitting the currency to seek its
worth in the international market
c. fixing the value of the currency in
conjunction with the movement in the
value of a basket of predetermined
d. fixing the value of a currency in
multilateral consultation with the 1MF,
the World Bank and major trading
66. Which one of the following statements
regarding the “veto” power in the Security
Council is correct according to the United
Nations Charter?
a. The decisions of the Security Council
on all non-procedural matters must be
made by an affirmative vote of nine
members, including the concurring
votes of the permanent members of the
b. Every permanent member of the
Security Council can prevent any
decision from being accepted, by
vetoing it
c. The term veto was used in Article 27
of the united Nations charter to enable
any permanent member of the Security
the majority
d. Any member of the Security Council
can prevent any resolution from being
passed by voting against it
67. Which one of the following important
trade centers of ancient India was on the
trade route connecting Kalyana with
a. Tagara
b. Sripura
c. Tripuri
d. Tamralipti
68. The highest milk producing breed of goat
in India is
a. Barabari
b. Jamnapari
c. Black Bengal
d. Beetal
69. The half-life of a radioacitive element is 5
years. The fraction of the radioactive
substance that remains after 20 years is
a. 1
b. 1
c. 1
d. 1
70. Given below are two statements, one
labeled as Assertion (A) and the other
labeled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): A lock of Einstein’s air, it
scientists could locate it and extract its
DNA, could help is producing another
Einstein, be cloning.
Reason (R): The DNA extracted from the
cell of an embryo at an early stage of
development, can be transferred to
individual eggs which in turn can be
implanted into the uterus of a surrogate
mother to give birth to an identical
In the context of the above two statements
which one to the following is correct?
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is not a
correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true.
71. The first Indian ruler who joined the
Subsidiary Alliance was
a. The nawab of Oudh
b. The Nizam of Hyderabad
c. Peshwa baji Rao II
d. The King of Travancore
72. Which one of the following vitamins is
considered to be a hormone?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
73. Which one of the following statement is
a. All the members of the Rajya Saha are
elected by State Legislative
b. As the Vice-President is the ex-officio
Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, only a
8 of 15
member of the Rajya Sabha can
contest for the office of the Vice –
c. A pint of difference between the Lik
Sabha and the Rajya Sabha is that
while a candidate to the Lok Sabha can
contest from any State in India, a
candidate to the Rajya Sabha should
ordinarily be a resident of the State
from where he is contesting.
d. The constitution of India explicitly
prohibits the appointment of a
nominated member of the Rajya Sabha
to the post of minister
74. The difference between a bank and a nonbanking
financial institution (NBFI) is that
a. a bank interacts directly with
customers while an NBFI interacts
with banks and governments
b. a bank indulges in a number of
activities relating to finance with a
range of customers, while an NBFI is
mainly concerned with the term loan
needs of large enterprises
c. a bank deals with both internal and
international customers while an NBFI
is mainly concerned with the finance
of foreign companies
d. a bank’s main interest is to help in
business transactions and
savings/investment activities while an
NBFI’s main interest is in the
stabilization of the currency
75. Monazite is an ore of
a. zirconium
b. thorium
c. titanium
d. iron
76. Vidhushaka, a common character in
Sanskrit drama, is invariably a.
a. brahmana
b. kshatriya
c. vaisya
d. shudra
77. Freedom of the press in India
a. is specifically provided in Article 19
(1) (a) of the Constitution
b. is implied in the wider freedom of
expression guaranteed by Article 19
(1) (a) of the Constitution V
c. is guaranteed under the provisions of
Article 361 A of the Constitution
d. emanates from the operation of the
Rule of Law in the country
78. Given below are two statements, one
labelled as Assertion (A) and the other
labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): The U.S.A. re-emerged as
India’s single largest import source in the
early nineties.
Reason (R): With swift political
developments in the erstwhile Soviet
Union, India gradually began to rely on the
U.S.A. for its defense requirements.
In the context of the above two statements,
which one of the following is correct? V
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is not a
correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
79. Toramana belonged to the ethnic horde of
a. Scythians
b. Hunas
c. Yue-chis
d. Sakas
80. Farm land tends to erode most rapidly
when planted with
a. sorghum
b. potato
c. wheat
d. clover
81. Rennin and lactase, the enzymes required
to digest milk, disappear in the human
body by the age of
a. two
b. three
c. five
d. eight
82. In which respect have the Centre-State
relations been specifically termed as
‘municipal relations’?
a. Center’s control of the State in the
legislative sphere
b. Center’s control of the State in
financial matters
c. Center’s control of the State in the
administrative sector
d. Center’s control of the State in the
planning process
83. Who among the following is said to have
witnessed the reigns of eight Delhi
9 of 15
a. Ziauddin Barani
b. Shams-i-Siraj Afif
c. Minhaj-us-Siraj
d. Amir Khusrau
84. Galvanized iron sheets are protected from
rusting due to the presence of a layer of
a. lead
b. chromium
c. zinc
d. tin
85. Which one of the following statements
regarding ‘Exit Poll’ is correct?
a. ‘Exit Poll’ is a term used to denote a
post-election survey of voters
regarding the candidate in whose
favour they had exercised their
b. ‘Exit Poll’ and ‘Opinion Poll’ are one
and the same
c. ‘Exit Poll’ is a device through which
results of voting can be most exactly
d. ‘Exit Poll’ is an administrative device
made recently by the Chief Election
Commissioner to prevent
86. Which one of the following types of
erosion is responsible for the formation of
Chambal Ravines?
a. Splash
b. Sheet
c. Rill
d. Gully
87. Nirmal Hriday, Sanjivini and Saheli are
a. organizations engaged in social work
b. herbal medicines produced in India for
hypertension, heart disturbances and
neurological problems
c. names of some savings schemes
mooted by nationalized bas
d. institutions set up by Jayaprakash
Narayan for the rehabilitation of
erstwhile dacoits
88. ‘Self-sufficiency’ in food, in the true sense
of freedom from hunger, has not been
achieved in India in spite of a more than
three-fold rise in food grains production
over 1950-1990. Which of the following
are the reasons for it?
1. The green revolution has been
restricted to small pockets of the
2. The cost of food is too high compared
to the earnings of the poor.
3. Too much emphasis is laid on wheat
and paddy compared to the coarse
4. The gains of the green revolution have
largely accrued to the cash crop rather
than food crops.
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. l, 2, and 4
c. 1, 3 and 4
d. 2, 3 and 4
89. When it is noon along 82° 30’ E longitude
along what degree of longitude it will be
6.30 am?
a. along 165° E
b. along 67° 30’ W
c. 0° E or W
d. along 82°30’ W
90. Who among the following became the
Prime Minister of India without being
earlier the Chief Minister of a State?
1. Morarji Desai
2. Charan Singh
3. V.P. Singh
4. Chandrashekhar
5. P.V. Narasimha Rao
a. 1, 2 and 4
b. 2, 3 and 5
c. 2 only
d. 4 only
91. The latest regional economic bloc to be
formed is
92. The first Indian ruler to organize Haj
pilgrimage at the expense of the state was
a. Alauddin Khilji
b. Feroz Tughlakh
c. Akbar
d. Aurangzeb
93. The density of cattle population per 100
hectares of gross cropped area is the
highest in
a. Bihar
b. Hatyana
c. Madhya Pradesh
d. Uttar Pradesh
94. Hemoglobin is dissolved in the plasma of
a. frog
10 of 15
b. fish
c. man
d. earthworm
95. A major shift in the 8th Five Year Plan
from its preceding ones is
a. the significant reduction in public
sector outlays
b. the concentration of pubic investment
in infrastructal sectors
c. major investment in agriculture with a
view to promote exports
d. major investment in sectors in which
industrial sickness has been a chronic
96. In recent years there has been some
concern over the threat posed by the
Mathura Oil Refinery and the thermal
power plants to the Taj Mahal in Agra.
The scientific basis of any possible
damage to the Taj is mainly
a. stratospheric ozone and the
chlorofluorocarbons which destroy it
b. acid precipitation and troposphere
c. increasing levels of atmospheric CO2
which produce the greenhouse effect
d. ultraviolet radiation (240-260
nanometers wavelength) and the fumes
from the heavily polluted Yamuna
97. The average elevation of Tibetan Plateau
above sea level is
a. 2 km
b. 3 km
c. 4km
d. 5km
98. Which one of the following soil types of
India is rendered infertile by the presence
of excess iron?
a. Desert sand
b. Alluvial
c. Podzolic
d. Lateritic
99. Which of the following fish are bred
exclusively in the cold regions of India?
1. Catla
2. Tinca
3. Bhekti
4. Trout
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 4
c. 2 and 4
d. 3 and 4
100. Given below are two statements, one
labelled as Assertion (A) and the other
labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): En India, the political
parties which formed the governments
represented the majority of seats secured
in the elections to the House of the People
at the Centre and the Legislative
Assemblies in the States but not the
majority of votes.
Reason (R): The elections based on the
majority-vote-system decide the result on
the basis of relative majority of votes
In the context of the above two statements,
which one of the following is correct?
a. Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true, but R is not a
correct explanation of A
c. A is true, but R is false
d. A is false, but R is true
101. Which radioactive pollutant has recently
drawn the attention of the public, due to its
occurrence in the building material?
a. Plutonium
b. Thorium
c. Radon
d. Radium
102. Who among the following ladies wrote a
historical account during the Mughal
a. Gulbadan Begam
b. Nurjahan Begam
c. Jahanara Begam
d. Zebun-nissa Begam
103. Consider the map given below: The map
shows the sea voyage route followed by
a. Thomas Cook
b. Ferdinand Magellan
c. John Cabot
d. Vasco da Gama
104. The speed of light will be minimum while
passing through
a. glass
b. vacuum
c. water
11 of 15
d. air
105. Which of the following is/are among the
functions of the Election Commission of
1. Conduct of election for the posts of the
Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, Lok
Sabha and the Deputy Chairman.
Rajya Sabha
2. Conduct of election to the
Corporations and Municipalities
3. Deciding on all doubts and disputes
arising out of elections
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. none
106. The principal reason why national
economic planning is still being pursued
inspite of embracing a market economy
since 1991 is that
a. it is a constitutional requirement
b. the vast quantity of capital already
deployed in the public sector needs to
be nurtured
c. Five Yeas Plans can continue to
provide a long-term perspective to the
economy in market-friendly fashions
d. the market economy is mainly
confined to industry and commerce,
and central planning in agriculture is
107. The ideal climatic conditions for the
cultivation of rice are
a. rainfall above 100 cm, temperature
above 25°C
b. cool and moist climate for the entire
crop period
c. rainfall below 100 cm, temperature
below 25°C
d. warm and dry climate during the entire
crop period
108. The oldest monarchy in the world is that of
a. U.K.
b. Nepal
c. Saudi Arabia
d. Japan
109. The time taken .by the sun to revolve
around the centre of our galaxy is
a. 25 million years
b. 100 million years
c. 250 million years
d. 500 million years
110. Water is a good solvent of ionic salts
a. it has a high boiling point
b. it has a high dipole moment
c. it has a high specific heat
d. it has no colour
111. The first to start a joint stock company to
trade with were the
a. Portuguese
b. Dutch
c. French
d. Danish
112. The acceleration due to gravity of a
catastrophic earthquake will be
a. > 550 cm/sec2
b. > 750 cm/sec2
c. > 950 cm/scc2
d. > 980 cm/sec2
113. Which of the following electoral systems
have been adopted for various elections in
1. System of direct election on the basis
of adult suffrage
2. System of proportional representation
by means of the single transferable
3. List system of proportional
4. Cumulative system of indirect
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 1, 2 and 3
d. 2, 3 and 4
114. Which one of the following upheavals
took place in Bengal immediately after the
Revolt of 1857?
a. Sanyasi Rebellion
b. Santal Rebellion
c. Indigo Disturbances
d. Pabna Disturbances
115. Which of the following taxes is/are levied
by the Union and collected and
appropriated by the States?
a. Stamp Duties
b. Passenger and goods tax
c. Estate Duty
d. Taxes on Newspapers
116. The oaves and rock-cut temples at Ellora
a. Buddhist
b. Buddhist and Jam
12 of 15
c. Hindu and Jam
d. Hindu, Buddhist and Jain
117. The first bird is believed to have appeared
on the surface of the earth
a. 300 million years ago
b. 200 million years ago
c. 150 million years ago
d. 100 million years ago
118. Which one of the following determines
that the Indian Constitution is federal
a. A written and rigid Constitution
b. An independent Judiciary
c. Vesting of residuary powers with the
d. Distribution of power between the
Centre and the State
119. The significance of the Bengal Regulation
of 1793 lies in the fact that
a. it provided for the establishment of the
Supreme Court
b. it restricted the application of English
law to Englishmen only
c. it accommodated the personal laws of
Hindu and Muslims
d. it provided for the appointment of the
Indian Law Commission
120. The Mansabdari System introduced by
Akbar was borrowed from the system
fo1lowd in
a. Afghanistan
b. Turkey
c. Mongolia
d. Persia

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